
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Scary face

A friend has told me that I get scary when I'm angry. Scary.

That took me by surprise, I must say. I know I make it obvious when I'm not happy about something (after all, I do rant a lot). However when I get really angry at something or someone I don't rant, nor yell or anything - I just remain silent. And with a scary look on my face that, it seems, insists on showing herself even when I'm not that angry.

That's a double-edged knife. Except when I am pissed off, that is when I choose not to speak to anyone, I do want people to come and talk to me, so I can get it out of my system and let it go, even if sometimes "exploding" at people, which really does not mean much, except that I trust that person enough to know it's just temporary. It seems bizarre, I know, and by most perspectives it really is, but that's the way I deal with that - it's part of who I am.

That's a bit different when I really get pissed off, because I withdraw from wherever I am and try to isolate myself, deliberately avoiding contact with other people, especially friends and loved ones, to prevent going really mad. Fortunately, very few people have ever seen it happen. The main reason I isolate myself is because I'm afraid of that trait of my personality - I'm afraid I might do or say soem pretty nasty things to people I really care about. This is the kind of stuff I don't want to get out, absorbing them and using the introspective moments I get from isolation to meditate about many things, which means that it tends to fade away.

As I like to think, that which is not solved by Time is made smoother by it. It means that even the most bitter fight between two friends can be put to an end given time and a good dialogue.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Nice new toys

I have acquired new toys.

The first and foremost is my new set of speakers. Now I have a reasonable set of speakers with a sub-woofer, which means I finally can listen to music in a minimally decent way since early 2002, when a robbery at home took that away from me. I just hope my neighbors don't get too mad at me... =P

The other toy is my (finally acquired) pendrive. I've been needing one of these for some time now.

And, finally, the most useless of them, the new addition to this blog, which can be seen to the right. I really like - for some reason I like to know what I'm listening to. I mean, I like to know what kinds of music I listen to more often. I is a way of knowing myself better through the tracking of tunes I listen to, although that varies wildly accordingly to my moods. The point is also that I like to keep my playlist as eclectic as possible, and helps me make sure that it stays so.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Towel Day!

Happy Towel Day, boys and girls.

I heard in the Phorums that today (actually, yesterday) was also the Star Wars day - the 30th anniversary of the first movie's premiere. Truly a remarkable day, wasn't it?

It was also remarkable due to the fact of a few of us productive members of the Physics Institute finally found a reporter willing to give us attention, and show people the other side of an important matter.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sometimes... I don't like being me.

Probably I shouldn't take it so seriously - to be honest, I think I'm being really harsh on myself since yesterday.

I almost messed up my girlfriend's life - she's on another country and was counting on me to run some errands that would assure her safe stay there.

I know why I'm making it so difficult for myself to just let it go. I just love her too much, and the thought that I've let her down is almost unbearable. The worst part is that, as always, when we read or hear something our brain makes it sound like a good thing or a bad thing, depending on our humor and its own strange criteria. And, in this mind state, everything I read only makes me remember the fact that she was counting on me - and I don't enjoy being myself that way.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Dia estressante (incluindo delegacia) + pisar na bola com a namorada que tá longe + vinho = tontura bem doida


Covardia é uma merda.

Um sujeito que agride uma pessoa porque esta está filmando a merda que ele e os amiguinhos "revolucionários" dele estão fazendo, e em seguida agride uma estudante absolutamente sem motivo nenhum - exceto o fato de ela ter estado na aula - escondendo-se em seguida por trás do "movimento" não passa de um covarde. Um cagão que não tem bolas no meio das pernas para assumir a merda que fez.

Piores ainda, no entanto, são os "líderes" desse "movimento", que ao invés de honrar seu discurso de "manifestação pacífica", ajudam a proteger esse sem-vergonha.

Seria cômico se não fosse patético.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Self-inflicted brainwash

A esta altura do campeonato muita gente já deve ter idéia do que aconteceu no IFUSP hoje. Não vou ficar enchendo a paciência do leitor com mais um relato daquela zona - até mesmo porque a grande maioria de quem lê este blog é de lá também.

Só queria fazer alguns comentários. Como eu disse no post anterior, bixo = "massa de manobra". O dia de hoje só me confirmou ainda mais esse fato. O lado bom dessa coisa toda é que, como o instituto hoje amanheceu "bloqueado" pelos grevistas, não tive prova - uma chance pra me preparar melhor.

Enfim. Hoje fiz algo que não fazia há anos - junto com o Dudu, fizemos tricô com um deles. Aquele que apareceu por último, falando bosta no SPTV. Falo que fizemos tricô com ele porque o número de nós que demos nos argumentos furados dele foi bem grande.

Essa gente não entende o que faz, não tem a menor idéia das conseqüências de seus atos, e age como se fosse dona da razão e tivesse o direito de fazer o que quiser, enquanto os outros têm apenas o direito de concordar com eles. Discordar ou até mesmo tentar argumentar é egoísmo, anti-patriotismo, é "ir contra o movimento", é ser "contra uma universidade pública, gratuita e de qualidade". E, obviamente, muitas outras coisas...

A conclusão a que chego é a de que esse povo imagina que ler um resumo de uma resenha de uma obra de Marx é ser comunista. Imagina que é suficiente ler uma notícia sobre o que quer que seja, sem procurar maiores informações ou referências, e basear suas ações nisso. E repete tanto os bordões que aprende por aí que acaba acreditando.

Termino este post com uma pequena citação, de origem desconhecida:

As crianças que assistiam TeleTubbies cresceram…

Pois é, aquilo deu nisso!!!

Some things never change.

Bixo sempre foi, e sempre será, massa de manobra. Faz anos que deixei de me importar com isso - bixo é BURRO mesmo. Não é preconceito, é meramente a constatação de um fato.

Merece destaque o post do Reinaldo Azevedo na VEJA on-line. Ressalto uma pequena passagem:

A questão não é saber se uma seita marxista cabe ou não numa universidade (não sendo a universidade chinesa, cabe, claro...). Patético é que marxistas brasileiros acreditem que podem fazer na USP o que Noam Chomsky faz no MIT. Com a notável diferença de que, lá, seus súditos não vão à luta para inviabilizar a estrutura que lhes garante a existência. Aqui, eles vão. Porque Chomsky exerce o marxismo na sociedade da abastança; e nós brincamos de marxismo numa ilha de abastança que é USP, porém cercada pela miséria dos que a financiam. Sim, também esse viés quase aristocrático dos nossos esquerdistas, que não aceitam ser povo, ficou claro aqui.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Please yell if you're paying attention

I wonder how many people still visit this blog. Since there's seldom any comment to my posts, I cannot say if people read this or not. Of course, I have ShinyStat reports, but then again they show me only how many visits the blog has, and not how many people actually read it.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Programming C++

Years ago, I was an employee at the Veterinary School of my university. Sometime around the end of 2003 I decided that was not what I wanted to do for a living; what I really wanted was to do research, to find new things.

I got that job because, in my first undergrad years, I loved computers; I actually spent more time programming than I spent studying physics. That changed with time, as I grew more and more tired of the everyday routine of solving trivial problems and not having the support from the people I worked for to grow up in terms of knowledge. Before that, I used to program for fun, and after that, it made me sick.

That was true until recently. For some reason, the "sickness" that programming gave me went away, and for some time now I've been wanting to do some programming. That would be cool. But the really cool part of this is that I want to program to help my life in the lab - I'm applying something I liked doing to something I also like doing.

So for a few days now I've been learning a new language, and I'm reviewing some programming concepts so I can take on the task. I will write this program, and the best part is that other people who usually perform experiments similar to mine want to use it as well. In other words, not only will I be doing something I really like, but I'll be applying it to my work and it is going to make other people's lives easier, too. I'm loving it.

Briefly, it's a program to help data treatment for small-angle x-ray scattering/diffraction. It will perform the necessary corrections for data interpretation and a limited data treatment as well.

I haven't felt this excited about writing code in a very long time.

A Reitoria e o Leopardo

Este post do Super no Stoa me fez pensar um pouco a respeito de alguns assuntos aos quais não venho dando muita atenção há tempos. Ultimamente, quando alguém começava a falar de manifestações, passeatas, invasões e todo esse tipo de baboseira de revolucionários de fim de semana, eu vinha dando o mínimo de atenção e simplesmente não me envolvia na conversa.

Só pra esclarecer, continuo assim.

O pensamento que o post incitou na minha mente foi a respeito de como certas coisas não mudam e me faz questionar a diferença que a invasão da reitoria da USP vai fazer.

Ao mesmo tempo, eu tento justificar para mim mesmo as minhas posições a respeito. Afinal de contas, por mais equivocados que sejam os esforços do "Movimento Estudantil", as intenções que as suas reivindicações aparentam ter são boas. No entanto, a história parece não cansar de se repetir: invariavelmente, o bandejão e o circular são os primeiros a parar de funcionar, seguidos por "manifestações democráticas" por parte dos estudantes(?): estardalhaço, cartazes de extremo mau gosto (e não raro mal escritos também) feitos de papel kraft, invasões de prédios da universidade, batucada (que atrapalha as aulas), carros de som para a "companheirada", et cetera. A lista não acaba mais. O ponto é que de democráticas essas manifestações não têm nada: invariavelmente trata-se de uma minoria atrapalhando a vida da maioria. E depois, quando ninguém vai com a cara do "movimento", seus integrantes dizem que as pessoas são "doutrinadas", "autoritárias", "anti-democráticas", e outros adjetivos não tão educados.

Cada vez eu tenho mais certeza de que tentar mudar as coisas na marra não funciona. Para quê ser um lemingue se se pode ser um leopardo?

Saturday, May 05, 2007

It's Alive!!

Some things never cease to amaze me.

Months ago my computer simply stopped functioning. It wouldn't start up for anything. I was afraid it was some problem with the motherboard and that I would have to buy a new one. After giving it some thought, I realized that it was much more likely that it was a problem with the power supply, since the problem was related to it.

And then I spent a few months procrastinating the acquisition of a new one so I could once again use my computer at home.

Last thursday I got access to a multimeter so I could test it and be sure - I didn't want to buy a new power supply for nothing.

So, last night I did the testing. I tested the supply, and - for my own surprise - there was nothing wrong with it. And so I went into testing other things, only to find that everything was fine. I tried, then, the AC stabilizer. Nothing wrong with it, either.

I looked at the power cable, wondered if Murphy had been that evil with me, and tested it. Heh. That was it. A malfunctioning (?!) power cable had made me spend more than three months without using my PC.

I replaced the cable, and turned the computer on. Didn't take more than a few seconds for it to boot and ask me for my password.

And so, here I am now, posting this from my own PC again.

PS: There was another little problem with memory, but it turned out to be just a bad contact, I hope. I just switched the slot and it worked...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

About the Mega-Rant

The Mega-Rant I started days ago should have been a triple post. However, laziness and other minor details kept me from posting here, and so it probably is going to stay just a single poster.

In other news, oh well, the Stairway to Heaven post was about me not knowing well enough what the heck my research project is about... =/