
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lack of planning

I hate it when people do not plan ahead.

My PIXE studies for my masters are linked to other studies by other people with other objectives. A scientific initiation student from the Chemistry Institute, is one of them.

She's planning on attending a congress on thermal analysis in september, and the abstract submission deadline is May 5.

The problem: she only called me to ask for PIXE results last friday.

I have to say, that's not how it works. I didn't know she would need those data. That's because she didn't bother explaining that to me. I actually never had any idea about what the hell she wanted with my data - only that she and her advisor kept bugging me about them. For all I knew, I was going to be the only one directly using those data.

What really ticks me off is that her lack of planning is causing me stress, because that's the way I react to that sort of things. From where I stand, she's likely to miss the deadline. And that's a VERY frustrating perspective.

I can't say I don't care about her work, but if something goes wrong and she misses the deadline, I will not be upset.

This time, the noob was not me.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy, but a bit frustrated

As previously mentioned, I passed the theoretical examination last thursday.

No surprises there. As predicted, it was pathetic. The only question (out of thirty) I missed concerned knowing by heart the seriousness of "not updating the register of vehicle or driver's license". Honestly, how would that be useful in traffic?

Certainly it's desirable to know of such things, but I don't think it's essential to becoming a good driver. Actually, I think that, being quite permissive, I can count on the fingers of one hand how many questions on that examination in fact evaluated anything.

But that's not what scares me the most. What really freaks me out is the driver of the van that took us to the Transit Department committing countless infractions (including overloading the vehicle). It's a guy who's only taking the time to go through the habilitation process because he needs the license to get a job (he's been driving a motorbike for more than six months). It's a guy who hopes "this time he's gonna get through" (and who apparently has never seen a woman before). Being aware that people like that are going eventually to be on the streets (if they aren't already) is what freaks me out, because that means that, even if I'm careful enough, they certainly won't be, and they will cause trouble (perhaps that's why traffic is so chaotic around here).

Anyway, now I'm having driving classes - the real ones. For starters, I can say I like driving. Which is good and bad at the same time. On one hand, driving can be a pleasant experience. On the other hand, however, I have frustrating times ahead of me, because I'm switching from not-driving-because-I-don't-have-a-license to I-have-a-license-but-I-can't-drive-anyway.

But I don't think that really matters anyway. Eventually I will get a car and will be subject to the stressful activity of driving (?) in the increasingly problematic traffic jams that so well characterize the city of São Paulo.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Old dog, new tricks.

Quinta-feira faço meu exame teórico para obtenção da carteira de motorista.

A princípio, nada demais, todo mundo passa por isso. O que realmente me incomoda é a sensação de esse exame ser meio inútil, porque a menos que todo mundo com quem conversei a respeito tenha combinado de me enganar, o exame parece ser coisa de imbecil - só mesmo um analfabeto ou um completo sem noção pra não passar nessa prova.

O que, de certa forma, não é de todo surpreendente, considerando o país onde eu vivo. Mas o que realmente me deixa puto é o fato de que o exame prático não parece ser muito melhor. Pelo que vejo, tenho três opções: dar (muita) sorte e pegar um examinador rigoroso, que fique pentelhando com cada detalhe, ou cair em um de dois desdobramentos indesejáveis: aceitar ou não a oferta de "comprar" o exame. Se eu aceitar, eu passo mesmo que não saiba nem onde fica o acelerador; se eu não aceitar, não passo nem por decreto.

Isso tudo preocupa bastante, porque eu certamente não vou dar nenhum centavo pra examinador corrupto. Tenho destinos mais honrosos pro meu dinheiro - que não vem fácil.

Mas, de um jeito ou de outro, estou ansioso para começar logo as aulas práticas. Aprender a dirigir é algo que venho adiando há quase dez anos, e hoje em dia me arrependo de não ter aproveitado a chance quando pude. De qualquer maneira, não adianta chorar sobre o leite derramado, e é melhor fazer isso logo de uma vez - quanto antes, melhor.

De fato, 2008 tem sido o ano em que tenho posto em dia velhos desejos do passado. Um deles é aprender a dirigir. O outro é ter finalmente um instrumento e aprender a utilizá-lo.

Por sinal, agora minha Les Paul tem nome: Darlene. A referência eu não explico - acho mais divertido ver as pessoas tentando adivinhar. Se bem que A essa altura do campeonato bastante gente já deve saber de onde vem, porque a Quel fez o favor de spoilar tudo. Bad, bad Quel.

Comecei as aulas de guitarra ontem, e o professor me passou uma montanha de exercícios. O bom é que fazer esses exercícios já melhorou sensivelmente meu desempenho. Sim, isso mesmo: de ontem pra hoje já deu pra perceber a diferença. Claro que entusiasmo conta muito nessas horas, mas é muito gratificante ver que estou progredindo em coisas como trocar acordes e dedilhado. Estou bem animado pra ver quando sai a primeira música inteira.

Eu só queria poder voltar a sentir esse tipo de entusiasmo com minha dissertação.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Now she needs a name

For once, things in my life seem to be going well. In a way, they always have, actually, but this time everything seems to be turning out ok without too much trouble.

My work is almost finished, and I think I'll be able to defend by the end of July. I'm still a bit worried about certain (theoretical) aspects, but I believe it's going to be alright.

That being said, I finally, after many years of hesitation, acquired an instrument: an Epiphone Les Paul Special.

Now I'm in the process of choosing a name for her. I know this may seem like an irrelevant thing, but I assure you it is not. And since I am taking it seriously, it is a tough decision. Until now, three "candidates" have been brought up by friends of mine: "Gud", "Ungoliant" and "Pandora". I haven't decided yet because there's another possibility I'm playing with, which is choosing a name related to Led Zeppelin, since it's my favorite band.

Even though this is not the most exciting subject in the planet, nor is it very important (except to me), I thought I should share it here. After all, it's been a long time since I blog'n posted.