
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hello All

Hello everyone,

sorry for the lack of updates here in the past few days. It's been quite busy here. I left for the beach on last saturday, and returned only yesterday. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures to show: I don't have a camera. Well, I do have one, but it's an old one, it needs film to work. And I don't like to use it, mostly because I prefer digital pictures.

The next few days are going to be... interesting. I've got a lot of experiments to run and almost no time to analyze data, because my report has to be ready in the next six days. Oh boy.

Finally the year is going to begin. In this damned country, nothing really works until after the carnival...

Friday, February 16, 2007

One more.

Proceeding with the series "cute nerd jokes", here's another one, taken from today's issue of phdcomics:

As usual, previous knowledge is needed to fully understand it. I won't explain it, though. I hate to explain jokes.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ice cream!

There was something I wanted to write about today, but I ended up forgetting what it was during the day. Good thing is that I could retrieve my samples from the Chemistry Institute today, and already scheduled the equipment for my experiments next week.

Also, there's a wonderfully cute comic strip I took from XKCD a few days ago:

It's the first time I've seen physics being used in such a nice way for romance. I loved it.

That's it for today. See ya people.

Monday, February 12, 2007


É impressionante. Ninguém consegue uma informação decente nessa merda de país. Em todo lugar que eu perguntei, o tempo de bloqueio do FGTS quando se pede demissão era de 3 anos.

Pois bem. Fui no banco hoje pra resgatar a grana, da qual preciso para quitar dívidas e voltar a ser um homem livre. E descobri que a coisa não é bem assim. Só se pode dar entrada do FGTS no seu mês de aniversário. O que significa que, se uma pessoa é suficientemente azarada, ela tem que esperar QUATRO anos ao invés de TRÊS. É um absurdo. Nunca fiquei tão feliz de fazer aniversário em março, mas continuo revoltado.

Fico me perguntando se em países sérios a coisa é assim, tosca.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


One of the worst things a person can do to me is to build up my expectations and then just don't do anything about them.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

They will dominate the world

Google is going to dominate the world. That's the truth. They're gonna buy everything and rule everyone.

Well, to be honest, I don't know about the world, but their share on the internet is really going to grow for a long time, I think. That's quite deserved, in fact. They are quite ingenious in what they do.